Saturday January 13th, 2024, 10am-1pm Pacific Time
Space, the area that is geographically situated around us, is easy to perceive with our normal senses but what about space that is 5 miles, away, 100 miles away, or off-planet? How can we perceive space that is separated from us by time, such as a geographical coordinate in the past or the future? To achieve this we need to visualize a virtual model that represents all the geographic points in time. Some people visualize this model as a cube, others as a balloon shape, and students of CRV refer to this as the Matrix. Others refer to this as the Akashic Record or Library: a repository of all the information that has ever been, is, and will be. Remote viewing can access points or coordinates within the Matrix/Akashic record to retrieve information.
The main goals of this Module are to educate the student about the concepts of time and space and present exercises that develop the use of remote viewing for both past and future targets. As well as text material, students will be given examples and exercises to better understand these concepts.
Dr. Angela T Smith has carried out multiple time and space related remote viewing applications including describing anomalies within the Rings of Saturn that were verified by the Cassini Probe. In addition, the concepts of time were discussed during interviews with the Russian mathematician Dr. Vasily V. Nalimov of Moscow University, followed by the journal publication of his life and theories.
This page is only for those already registered in the class. Once you become a member of this class resource page you will find the Zoom link, class times, schedule & recordings posted on this class home page. Only members of the group will be able to see it.
You should have recieved a invite link after you Purchase Tickets here.
Students will receive a zoom link a week before classes begin.
In registering for this course, the student understands and agrees that this class is intended solely to provide information to the public. The views and opinions expressed as part of the class do not necessarily state or reflect those of the International Remote Viewing Association (IRVA). It is not intended, nor can it be relied upon, to create any rights enforceable by any party in litigation with IRVA, or to endorse the use of products or services provided by the instructor. With respect to this class, neither IRVA nor any of its employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.
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